Featured Organization

Volunteer Properties forge bonding relationships with charities and non-profits.
One of the charities closest to our hearts is Wilderwood Service Dogs. Since opening in 2005, Wilderwood trains service dogs for individuals with neurological diseases ranging from Autism to Alzheimer’s. What makes Wilderwood especially unique is they are the only company that specializes solely in neurological service dogs.
It is also incredible that Wilderwood supports 3 different critical outreach areas:
• Wilderwood employees individuals with neurological disabilities to assist in the training of our service dogs.
• Their training teams work with A.S.K. (Autism Site Knoxville) and Heritage High School's special education program. These programs teach the students leadership, communication and pride in a job well done.
• Asbury Place Nursing Home: Wildwood’s therapeutic teams bring the joy and benefits of canine therapy to our most fragile senior citizens.

Read stories about the Families and Pups.

Other causes we are passionate about
Volunteer Properties is proud to call Middle Tennessee home, and it is important for us to give back to the community that supports us. We are honored to partner with local organizations through contributions and community service. In addition to local partnerships by each of our properties, we also donate 1% to give back to our community.
Helping to End Homelessness
Volunteer Properties supports How’s Nashville toward the community-wide, collaborative, and inclusive effort to end chronic homelessness in Nashville within this decade. How’s Nashville was launched by the Metropolitan Homelessness Commission in 2013. South Brook also supports the HUD-VASH program which combines HUD housing vouchers with VA supportive services to help Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing.
Feeding the Hungry
Concord Village Apartments partners with Loaves & Fishes to help feed the hungry of the Clarksville, TN community. Loaves & Fishes serves between 150-200 meals daily to the hungry six days a week and distributes food to area agencies through volunteer efforts. Loaves and Fishes serve 45,000 to 50,000 meals yearly on-site. Loaves and Fishes also has a Food Distribution Center that distributes thousands of lbs. of food to approximately 30 other churches and agencies helping the needy in the community.
Aid for Underprivileged Kids
Piccadilly Apartments sponsors the Stop, Drop and Run for the Kids 5K in Goodlettsville, TN. This fundraiser for the Goodlettsville Fire Department, presented by Simmons Bank, donates all money raised to the Goodlettsville Fire Department and is used to purchase Christmas gifts for underprivileged kids in the community. Area schools and teachers notify the fire department of children in need and each December each child is given money to shop at the Goodlettsville K-Mart with a local fire department employee. Children also get to have breakfast with Santa and ride in the fire truck after they are done shopping.
Helping Single Mothers in Need
Nottingham Apartments, in Hendersonville, TN works with Grace Place to serve single mothers and their children who are experiencing homelessness. Grace Place is a place of sanctuary, opportunity, and hope that seeks to bridge the gap between existing community resources and fill an enormous need for shelter and ongoing case management for struggling families.
Supporting St. Jude
Every year, Volunteer Properties staff and residents participates in the St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. The VP team was thrilled to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and their work in treating and defeating childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.